If you wish to travel, especially when most countries are experiencing the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is one way to ease the anxiety; ensure that you are well prepared right from planning your trip. While planning ensures that you arm yourself with protective equipment such as protective face masks and the arsenal for cleaning, including hand sanitizers. Most importantly, you need to know that depending on the country you are travelling to and transportation mode, there are different protocols. You need to know more about the destinations you are travelling to and the period you plan to be away. Having a travel company can be more beneficial as some travel companies have resumed travelling for some time and are aware of the protocols that various destinations need. Review sites such as the U.K. collected reviews will help you choose a reliable travel company. This article gives some coronavirus basics and assesses specific destinations, their Covid-19 situations and bans, and travel advisories in these destinations.
Basics about Coronavirus
Coronavirus was initially discovered in Wuhan, Hubei province of China in December 2019. The official name for this particular Coronavirus was named by the World health organisation (WHO) as COVID-19. At the commencement of March, WHO would later declare COVID-19 as a pandemic.
Coronaviruses are a big family of viruses; some are found in animals such as cats, camels and bats while others cause illnesses in people. It is still Coronavirus that caused the previously experienced Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). However, these were caused by different strains other than the one that is circulating presently.
The symptoms of COVID-19 Coronavirus are;
- Cough
- Chills and fever
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting or nausea
- Fatigue
- Difficulty in breathing or shortness in breath
- Headache
- Body or muscle aches
- Sore throat
- Loss of taste or smell
How to help prevent Coronavirus.
To prevent Coronavirus, one is required to wear a mask and practice general flu hygiene practices. Some of the practices include covering your nose and mouth during sneezing and coughing and regular hand-washing. Additional measures include using antibacterial sprays and wipes to sanitise commonly used surfaces and avoid touching the face and staying near people with flu-like symptoms.
Covid-19 Bans and Travel advisories
The United Kingdom (U.K.)
The U.K. has more than 2 million COVID-19 cases and over 70,000 deaths. With a new and possibly more infectious strain of COVID-19 emerging in the U.K., various countries worldwide, including India and Canada, have banned travellers from U.K. from entering their borders and have issued their citizen with travel advisories against travelling to the U.K. The U.K. has however started rolling out a vaccine to its populations, and this offers some hope. As far as travelling to the U.K. is concerned the country has unveiled a list containing over 60 territories and countries it refers to as travel corridors. It will welcome travellers from the travel corridors without restrictions. However, visitors from other countries not on the list will need to go into isolation for 14 days upon arrival in the U.K.
This was the original epicentre of the outbreak of the pandemic. It has however brought the situation under control with life returning to normal and with eased restrictions. The City of Wuhan lifted its lockdown on April 8, and the entire Hubei province had by March lifted its lockdown. However, there was the second wave in June and flights were cancelled and lockdowns renewed. Currently, visitors moving to China must have a coronavirus certificate showing they’ve tested negative for COVID-19. Many airlines have by now restored their flights to Shanghai.
The United States (U.S.)
The U.S. has had the highest Covid-19 cases globally hitting an excess of 19million and over 300,000 deaths. In March, the countries state department gave the highest warning in the country, the level 4 advisory directing Americans not to travel anywhere, it later in August lifted the advisory. As countries globally are opening their borders, Countries, especially those in the European continent, have not included the U.S. in countries’ that they have deemed safe for travels. The U.S. and Canada border is presently locked. The U.S. also has a list of countries banned from travelling to the U.S. any visitor from these banned countries will be subjected to screening upon arrival in the U.S.
In conclusion, travelling during the pandemic needs one to acquaint themselves with the global trends, travel bans and restrictions to various destinations. With this article, the COVID-19 situations of three famous travel destinations has been assessed. You will thus be able to plan your travel appropriately.
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