January 25, 2025


Interior Of The Road

Things to Do While Choosing Patio Furniture Covers

The 5 Best Ways to Protect Outdoor Furniture | BuildDirectLearning Center

Hundreds of studies and meticulous research have found a relation between spending time outdoors and improved health outcomes. Often spending quality time outdoors may lead to a reduction in incidences of cardiovascular mortality and diabetes, lower heart rate or blood pressure, and much-improved immune system function, according to Forbes. Despite the changes triggered by the global COVID-19 pandemic, you can still have fun. Seeking out various fun activities could be even more critical now. Relying on your yard or patio to have a fantastic get-together with your close friends and family could be a mood-uplifting exercise. Spending quality time with friends and family outdoors will distract your attention from issues and help you tackle life’s challenges. Hence, it is worth investing in expensive outdoor furniture.

If you have bought expensive patio furniture, it becomes your responsibility to safeguard your investment with a high-quality cover that will help the furniture pieces look as good as new for years to come and even prolong their life. However, patio furniture slipcovers come in a variety of designs and fabrics. It is challenging to choose the perfect cover for your deck or patio furniture. Here are a few things to do while choosing the most suitable cover for your outdoor furniture. 

Understand What Kind of Protection Patio Furniture May Require

Different patio furniture slipcovers offer diverse levels of protection. To identify the perfect cover for your expensive patio furniture, you should factor in any potential risks to the durability, structure, and finish. Consider the following: 

  • Is your patio furniture exposed most of the time to direct sunlight? If yes, you may look for a slipcover that has a high ultraviolet rating for minimizing brittleness and fading.
  • Furniture placed close to water features, pools, or those exposed to the snow or rain will require a waterproof slipcover to safeguard them and prevent the wood from rotting or swelling.
  • Remember that insects, tree sap, and animal droppings may damage the finish or paint of your patio furniture. It is best to buy a tight weave cover with minimal mesh to prevent any damage to your outdoor furniture.
  • Find out what your patio furniture is actually made from. Some metals and unfinished materials like raw wood may necessitate added protection. You may consider applying an effective waterproof stain to your wood furniture. You may even consider powder coating metal frames to steer clear of corrosion issues. Avoid using covers made from plastic or vinyl that allows minimal airflow. 
  • Glass-topped tables may require padded coverings for preventing chips and cracks from taking place because of falling sticks and other materials.

Focus On Accurately Measuring Your Outdoor Furniture

Measure the dimensions of your furniture pieces accurately so that you buy the perfect coverings for them. Remember that your patio furniture slipcovers should not touch the floor or ground. There should be enough clearance for facilitating smooth air circulation underneath the cover. It helps prevent mildew and mold. Avoid buying an oversized slipcover as that may lead to undesirable accumulation of water. An oversized slipcover may end up creating pockets so that water can get accumulated. Moreover, the too-small cover will not provide adequate coverage. So it is crucial to choose a well-fitted cover with 4 inches leeway. If you are buying a cover online, then browse through the ‘How to Measure’ instructions!

Conclusion: Consider the Unique Characteristics 

If you are serious about protecting your expensive outdoor furniture, you should do ample research and browse through customer reviews to know more about the cover you have shortlisted. Make sure that the chosen cover caters to your unique specifications. If high winds are your concern or if your furniture pieces have odd angles, you may choose a cover that has a 360˚ drawcord for ensuring flexibility to put the cover on or take it off easily or to ensure that it is well-secured despite strong winds.