May 3, 2024


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Steps to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster

For most people, purchasing a house they could call their own would be a huge investment. However, if they don’t have enough funds to cover the cost of the property, they will have to rely on a mortgage from a financial institution. As such, they enter into an agreement that will entail paying a set amount per month for the duration of the deal. The monthly payment is what we know as a mortgage. It can be an encumbrance if no sustainable income comes in monthly, but it is a legal obligation that must be met properly. 

There are ways to speed up paying off the mortgage for your house. It is advisable to deal with local financial advisers who can work with you in your quest to pay off your property faster. Consider availing of the services of reputable mortgage broker Kent professionals who are known as the industry leaders in their field. Their expertise and years of experience can give people the confidence that they can properly plan how to pay off their mortgage faster.

Here are some steps to take to pay off your mortgage faster.

Refinance your mortgage

If there’s a decline in the prevailing interest rate, it may be the best time to refinance your mortgage. First, ask your financial adviser to assist you in assessing the advantages of a shorter loan repayment term over a longer one. Then, after evaluating your budget, they can advise you regarding the best option for you.

Make extra mortgage payments

If you’re paying a monthly mortgage, find out if you could pay half the sum every two weeks. It may not seem much, but doing so will mean you’ll pay an extra mortgage payment per year. If you also have extra cash, you can use it for another payment. Let your lender know that your additional payments will count toward the principal, not the interest. This way, you can save more money.

Round up your mortgage payments 

Instead of paying off the exact amount, you should try rounding up your mortgage payments to the nearest hundred or thousand as applicable. Although it may not seem like much, the extra payments will make a dent towards the principal and interest, and you’ll pay the balance faster. 

Recast your loan

If you have come up with a sizable amount of money and wish to apply it towards the loan, you can ask your lender to recast your mortgage. This will allow you to put up the money against the loan’s outstanding principal balance while still retaining the interest rate and the length of the deal. This means you will have a lower mortgage amount for the duration of the deal, and you can also use the savings towards making another recast.


Paying off a mortgage faster is quite feasible, especially if you avail of the services of reputable financial gurus. You can pay off your property faster if you use suitable strategies.